Scoliosis Ultrasound

Radiation free assessment
only available at ScoliCare Clinics

While we understand that x-ray assessment of scoliosis is crucial at certain stages
of scoliosis
management, we are also very aware that patients undergo repeated x-ray exams throughout
their treatment to monitor their condition. 

A teenager with scoliosis may receive more than 20
x-rays over the course of their treatment.

Exclusive to ScoliCare Clinics, we are pleased to offer patients a radiation free option.

The first of its kind in Australia, this innovative scoliosis ultrasound technology means patients no longer require as many
x-rays over their treatment journey, minimising repeated radiation exposure.

An initial x-ray will still be required to rule out pathology not visible by ultrasound.

The technology captures the spine’s 3D profile and measures spinal rotation and curve along different planes.

The scoliosis specific imaging can then be used to:

  • Minimise x-rays over a patient’s treatment plan
  • Perform scoliosis screening, diagnosis and continuous monitoring, particularly for growing children and adolescents
  • Reduce delays in making treatment decisions, so patients get the right treatment at the right time
  • Assess spinal flexibility and give instant feedback on the usefulness of heel lifts



Looking for more information?

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