Do you have a friend or family member who may have a scoliosis?
Up to 5% of kids, 32% of older adults,
and up to 68% of geriatric patients have a scoliosis*
Slouching, one shoulder higher than the other, one hip higher than the other, or uneven shoulder blades are all signs that a person might have a scoliosis – a sideways curvature of the spine that can get worse as we grow or age.
Sometimes these things are easily spotted, and other times it may not be so obvious.
It’s important to recognise the signs as early as possible, as early detection leads to better treatment results.
Simply call us on 1300 856 118 if you think you or a loved one might be at risk of having a scoliosis
*Adolescent Statistic: Konieczny, M.R., H. Senyurt, and R. Krauspe, Epidemiology of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Journal of Children’s Orthopaedics, 2013. 7(1): p. 3-9.
Adult and Degenerative Statistic: Kotwal, S., et al., Degenerative Scoliosis: A Review. HSS Journal, 2011. 7(3): p. 257-264.